
In addition to the prices for the three best mini-enterprises, our jury will also deliver various Awards to recognize outstanding results in different categories:

Best Presentation Award

To win this award, a general balance in the presentation must be recognizable, both in terms of content and form. Originality, professional presence and a convincing presentation are required.

Winners: Xirup, Lycée Blaise-Cendrars

Best Brand Award

A good logo alone is not enough – the mini-enterprise that best defines itself through its own brand and that presents the best concept of corporate identity wins this award.

Winners: Lucoro, Alte Kantonsschule Aarau

Jury: Urs Gartenmann

Best Vocational Education Team Award

The mini-enterprises from vocational, business and technical or other secondary schools bring in a little extra practical experience to the Company Programme. Which of these teams will convince the jury the most with their presentation, sales and development throughout the year?

Winners: Whitable, Alte Kantonsschule Aarau (WMS/WG)

Our partners also reward the best results with the following Awards:

Accenture x YES Alumni Moonshot Award

This award is aimed at mini-enterprises that plan to continue their venture after the end of the programme year. The business model will be assessed first, followed by a pitch.

Winners: Joltz, Kantonsschule Uster

Jury: Mathias Daube, Yanina Iskhakova, Anaïs Nura Schad, Géraldine Beaud

Coop Sustainability Award

The Coop Sustainability Award is given to the mini-enterprise which has paid particular attention to the issue of sustainability. The decisive criteria are sustainability as a business approach, the raw materials used and the social and ecological aspects of processing and production.

Siegerteam: Tapéro, Lycée Jean-Piaget

Jury: Mirjam Jermann, Laura Baumgartner

IGE IPI Management Award

This Award rewards the mini-enterprise which has addressed the most in-depth reflections on the subject of Intellectual Property in the context of its own mini-enterprise.

Winnsers: Holzgruass, Evangelische Mittelschule Schiers (EMS)

Jury: Matthias Käch

YES Media Award

YES, IMACULIX and Weischer.Cinema award the mini-enterprise best suited to advertising on a cinema screen. An advertising spot on the winning mini-enterprise’s product will be shot and shown in Swiss cinemas.

Winners: Xirup, Lycée Blaise-Cendrars

Jury: Julia Koch, Eveline Kneubühl, Andy Bohli, Daniel Bolliger

Swiss Prime Site Best Marketing & Sales Award

This Award goes to the mini-enterprise with the best sales and advertising activities for its product or service.

Winners: Artémix, Lycée Jean-Piaget

Jury: Patrick Djizmedjian, Florian Hauber, Christoph Jockers, Mara Ricci

UBS Most Innovative Product Award

UBS rewards the most innovative product or service idea of the year of the programme. In addition to the novelty of the product or service, the potential for further development, the market potential and the production process are also assessed.

Winners: Holzgruass, Evangelische Mittelschule Schiers (EMS)

Jury: Curdin Duschletta, Verena Kaiser, Simone Nilson, Janik Liem

Evaluation criteria

Business Report
As for any enterprise, the business report provides an overview of all relevant developments, milestones and learnings for the mini-enterprise in the past programme year. In addition to the content, formal criteria and the punctual submission of the report are evaluated.

In this 15-minute interview between the mini-enterprises and the jury, knowledge about their own enterprise as well as business management contexts are tested. The jury asks questions about the business performance to date, objectives and achievement as well as learnings in the team.

Stage Presentation and Commercial Video
During a four-minute stage presentation, the mini-enterprise must present its business model and its most important activities in a professional and appealing way. Content, structure and originality are taken into account in the evaluation. All mini-enterprises will introduce this presentation with a self-produced commercial video.

Sales Discussion & Stand Design
During this interview, the jury visits the mini-enterprises directly at the sales stand, where the students will try to sell their product or service in the best possible way. Questions are asked which might also arise from interested and critical customers. In addition, the sales behaviour is observed and the stand design is evaluated: How does the stand look? How are the products displayed and presented?

Report Online Presence
Each mini-enterprise presents itself and its product on its own website, on various social media channels and on the YES Marketplace. In particular, the overall appearance and activities are assessed.